Results for 'Charles M. Bourne'

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  1.  85
    War Medicine as Springboard for Early Knowledge Construction in Radiology.Charles M. Bourne & Rethy K. Chhem - 2014 - Medicine Studies 4 (1):53-70.
    Shortly after X-ray technology was discovered, it was utilized in war medicine. In this paper, the authors consider how the challenging context of war created fertile conditions for learning, as early radiologists were forced to find solutions to the unique problems posed during wartime. The “battlefield” became the “classroom” where radiologists constructed knowledge in X-ray instrumentation, methods, and education, as well as in medicine generally. Through an examination of two broad historical wartime examples, the authors illustrate how X-rays were used (...)
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  2. Oscillatory responses in cat visual cortex exhibit inter-columnar synchronization which reflects global stimulus properties.Charles M. Gray, P. Kreiter Konig, Andreas K. Engel & Wolf Singer - 1992 - Nature 338:334-7.
  3.  32
    Pragmatism: A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking.Charles M. Bakewell - 1907 - Philosophical Review 16 (6):624.
  4.  17
    Varieties of attention and disturbances of attention: A neuropsychological analysis.Charles M. Butter - 1987 - In Marc Jeannerod (ed.), Neurophysiological and Neuropsychological Aspects of Spatial Neglect. Elsevier Science. pp. 45--1.
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    Some Foundational Factors for Promoting Human Flourishing.Charles M. A. Clark, Alexander Buoye, Timothy Keiningham, Jay Kandampully, Mark Rosenbaum & Anuar Juraidini - 2019 - Humanistic Management Journal 4 (2):219-233.
    This investigation examines several key factors believed to promote human flourishing, specifically: Factor 1: Age, Education, & Healthcare, Factor 2: Labor Force Participation, Factor 3: Crime, Factor 4: Income, Factor 5: Youth Unemployment and Factor 6: Voting Behavior. Data was examined at the county level, and collected from a variety of US government and non-governmental organizations. Our investigation into the conditions necessary to promote human flourishing uses internal migration within the United States as the indicator of “unhappy” communities. The findings (...)
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  6. Deductive reasoning and the brain.Charles M. Wharton & Jordan Grafman - forthcoming - Trends in Cognitive Sciences.
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    Philosophy in medicine: conceptual and ethical issues in medicine and psychiatry.Charles M. Culver - 1982 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Bernard Gert.
    Battle Hall Davies' brother Nick ran away from home when she was in high school. Now he has found her and she is going to stay with him for the summer before starting college. Battle discovers that neither she nor her brother is the person she thought they were.
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    La différance comme déconstruction de la violence.Charles M. Selvan - 2018 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by Petar Bojanić.
    La différance comme déconstruction de la violence examine "la différance", une singularité de Jacques Derrida. L'auteur est profondément fidèle à l'esprit derridien en réaffirmant que la différance n'est ni un mot ni un concept mais un jeu littéraire qui porte des traces philosophiques et qui exige également des lecteurs de respecter le pouvoir du silence textuel. Même si la différance interroge la violence sous diverses formes, elle attirera principalement notre attention sur la violence "inaudible" de toutes nos structures. Le présent (...)
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    Guest editorial.Charles M. Ess - 2021 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 19 (3):313-328.
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  10. Aristotle on temperance.Charles M. Young - 1988 - Philosophical Review 97 (4):521-542.
  11.  24
    Ethics and Mediatization: Subjectivity, Judgment and Meta-theoretical Coherence?Charles M. Ess - 2019 - In Tobias Eberwein, Matthias Karmasin, Friedrich Krotz & Matthias Rath (eds.), Responsibility and Resistance: Ethics in Mediatized Worlds. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 71-89.
    In Stig Hjarvard’s characterization, mediatization studies move beyond the positivist origins of the social sciences, as they must in order to avoid the fundamental contradiction between original commitments to classical determinism vis-à-vis human agency as acknowledged within mediatization studies. In order to sustain and enhance Hjarvard’s vision of the coherence between human agency and mediatization studies as a species of social science, I first sharpen these theoretical tensions by developing a robust account of human freedom as informed by Kant and (...)
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  12.  73
    Goodness in the enumeration and singleton degrees.Charles M. Harris - 2010 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 49 (6):673-691.
    We investigate and extend the notion of a good approximation with respect to the enumeration ${({\mathcal D}_{\rm e})}$ and singleton ${({\mathcal D}_{\rm s})}$ degrees. We refine two results by Griffith, on the inversion of the jump of sets with a good approximation, and we consider the relation between the double jump and index sets, in the context of enumeration reducibility. We study partial order embeddings ${\iota_s}$ and ${\hat{\iota}_s}$ of, respectively, ${{\mathcal D}_{\rm e}}$ and ${{\mathcal D}_{\rm T}}$ (the Turing degrees) into (...)
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  13. (1 other version)Aristotle on justice.Charles M. Young - 1989 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 27 (S1):233-249.
  14.  47
    Synchronous oscillations in neuronal systems: Mechanisms and functions.Charles M. Gray - 1994 - Journal of Computational Neuroscience 1:11-38.
  15.  20
    Dionysius, Paul and the significance of the pseudonym.Charles M. Stang - 2008 - Modern Theology 24 (4):541-555.
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  16. The doctrine of the mean.Charles M. Young - 1996 - Topoi 15 (1):89-99.
    English translation, with Chinese source text, of a seminal Chinese classic.
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  17.  62
    Phenomenological idiom and perceptual mode.Charles M. Myers - 1958 - Philosophy of Science 25 (January):71-82.
    When phenomenological descriptions of perceptual experience are given it often seems that the distinction between mode and content of perceptual experience is not given the attention it deserves and that consequently certain philosophical difficulties develop which might have been avoided. While it will no doubt be admitted that the distinction between the “how” and the “what” of appearing is of importance in the phenomenology of perception, at first sight the making of such a distinction may seem so simple as to (...)
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  18. The Story of the Church.Charles M. Jacobs - unknown
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    Should We Research Doctor-Patient Sex?Charles M. Culver - 1981 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 3 (5):7.
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  20.  18
    Who Guards the Guardians? Kant, Hamann, and the Violence of Public Reasoners.Charles M. Djordjevic - 2019 - Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence 3 (2).
    This paper examines one of the most potent contemporaneous criticisms of the German Enlightenment (circa 1790) as well as the lessons that can be learned from such criticism. Specifically, it examines Kant's famous essay, “An Answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment,” and Hamman's objection drawn mainly from his “Letter to Christian Jacob Kraus.” It further argues Hamann’s criticisms are foresighted, especially when read against the subsequent dark imperil history of the ‘West' as seen in post-colonial theory.
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  21.  58
    The Politics of Aristotle (review).Charles M. Young - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (2):356-357.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Politics of Aristotle by AristotleCharles M. YoungAristotle. The Politics of Aristotle. Translated by Peter L. Phillips Simpson. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1997. Pp. xliv + 274. Cloth, $39.95. Paper, $12.95.Peter Simpson’s attractively produced, readable, and generally accurate new translation offers much of assistance to the student of Aristotle’s Politics. In addition to providing [End Page 356] titles to books and chapters, Simpson has broken (...)
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  22. The International Lesson Annual, 1956.Charles M. Laymon - 1955
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    Harry Norman Gardiner.Charles M. Bakewell - 1928 - Philosophical Review 37 (3):203-209.
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  24. Time, Freedom, and the Common Good: An Essay in Public Philosophy.Charles M. SHEROVER - 1989 - The Personalist Forum 6 (2):195-198.
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  25.  23
    Comparing Thinking Style and Ethical Decision-Making Between Chinese and U.S. Students.Charles M. Vance, Judith A. White, Kevin S. Groves, Yongsun Paik & Lin Guo - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 13:117-146.
    This study provides a comparison of thinking style and ethical decision-making patterns between 386 U.S. students and 506 students from the People’s Republic of China enrolled in undergraduate business education in their respective countries. Contrary to our expectations, the Chinese students demonstrated a significantly greater linear thinking style compared to American students. As hypothesized, both Chinese and U.S. students possessing a balanced linear and nonlinear thinking style profile demonstrated greater ethical intent across a series of ethics vignettes. Chinese students also (...)
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  26.  16
    Is not inner speech.Charles M. Keller & Janet Dixon Keller - 1996 - In John J. Gumperz & Stephen C. Levinson (eds.), Rethinking Linguistic Relativity. Cambridge University Press. pp. 115.
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  27.  11
    Are We in Time?: And Other Essays on Time and Temporality.Charles M. Sherover - 2003 - Northwestern University Press.
    The summa of a distinguished philosopher's career, and full treatment of the temporal in philosophical terms, this volume shows us that by taking time seriously we can discover something essential to almost every question of human concern. Are we IN time? Charles Sherover asks, and in pursuing this question he considers time in conjunction with cognition, morality, action, physical nature, being, God, freedom, and politics. His essays, while drawing upon Royce, Heidegger, Kant, Leibniz, and even Hartshorne and Bergson, defy (...)
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    Handbook of Research and Policy in Art Education (review).Charles M. Dorn - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (1):111-120.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Handbook of Research and Policy in Art EducationCharles M. DornHandbook of Research and Policy in Art Education, edited by Elliot Eisner and Michael Day. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2004, 879 pp., $90.00 paper.The Handbook of Research and Policy in Art Education is an 875-page compendium of articles addressing nearly every conceivable issue in the field and is, if nothing else, a valuable tour de force for any reader (...)
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  29.  58
    An ethical argument for host country workforce training and development in the expatriate management assignment.Charles M. Vance & Eduardo S. Paderon - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (8):635 - 641.
    This paper seeks to establish the ethical foundation of MNCs' responsibility for providing host country workforce (HCW) preparation and training attendant to the new expatriate management assignment. It argues that such moral responsibility arises from a set of correlative duties which MNCs acquire as business institutions. They include duties involving the expatriate manager, the HCW, and the host nation to (1) assist all employees, including the expatriate manager, in the successful execution of their assignments; (2) avoid the semblance of discriminatory (...)
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  30.  36
    The problem of transcendence.Charles M. Bakewell - 1911 - Philosophical Review 20 (2):113-136.
  31. Content and Concept: An Examination of Transcendental Empiricism.Charles M. Urban - 2013 - Dissertation, University of Arkansas
    In this dissertation, I critically examine the philosophy of transcendental empiricism. Transcendental empiricism is, among other things, a philosophy of mental content. It attempts to dissolve an epistemological dilemma of mental content by splitting the difference between two diametrically opposed accounts of content. John McDowell's minimal empiricism and Richard Gaskin's minimalist empiricism are two versions of transcendental empiricism. Transcendental empiricism itself originates with McDowell's work. This dissertation is divided into five parts. First, in the Introduction, I state the Wittgensteinian metaphilosophical (...)
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  32.  74
    What is Antiphilosophy?Charles M. Djordjevic - 2019 - Metaphilosophy 50 (1-2):16-35.
    In certain philosophical quarters, a new metaphilosophical position is being discussed—antiphilosophy. Such a position seems to maintain that there is no distinction between philosophy and sophistry, reason and rhetoric, arguing and emoting. This paper examines antiphilosophy. Specifically, it aims to address three interrelated questions: Is antiphilosophy a possible metaphilosophical position? If it is, what characterizes it? And what ramifications would it have? The paper argues that antiphilosophy is possible and is best construed as an attempt to reconstruct philosophical discourse on (...)
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  33.  6
    The role of religious participation and religious belief in biomedical decision making.Charles M. Swezey - 1995 - In Ruth Ellen Bulger, Elizabeth Meyer Bobby & Harvey V. Fineberg (eds.), Society's choices: social and ethical decision making in biomedicine. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. pp. 358.
  34. The Teachings of Friedrich Nietzsche.Charles M. Bakewell - 1899 - International Journal of Ethics 9 (3):314-331.
  35.  17
    Courage.Charles M. Young - 2008 - In Georgios Anagnostopoulos (ed.), A Companion to Aristotle. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 442–456.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Courage and Self‐control The Object of Cheer Danger as the Object of Cheer Safety as the Object of Cheer Success as the Object of Cheer Horatius at the Bridge Acting for the Sake of the Fine When is Death Fine? Note Bibliography.
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  36. " It Is the Poet Who Heals”: Richard Selzer's Literature of Wholeness.Charles M. Anderson - forthcoming - Bioethics Forum.
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  37.  81
    Professor strong on the passing thought.Charles M. Bakewell - 1904 - Philosophical Review 13 (5):552-559.
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    Reduction of error with practice in perception of the postural vertical.Charles M. Solley - 1956 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 52 (5):329.
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    Shifts in apparent spatial frequency induced by metacontrast.Charles M. Lorber & Charles W. White - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 11 (2):100-102.
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    Effects of magnitude of temporal barriers, type of goal, and perception of self.Charles M. Solley & Ross Stagner - 1956 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 51 (1):62.
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  41. The Kantian Source of Heidegger's Conception of Time.Charles M. Sherover - 1966 - Dissertation, New York University
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  42. (1 other version)The Jeffersonian tradition in American democracy.Charles M. Wiltse - 1935 - Chapel Hill,: The University of North Carolina press.
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  43. Father Guthrie and the Origin of the.Charles M. Schwartz - 1939 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 14 (3):464-465.
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  44.  46
    Freedom and the End of Reason: On the Moral Foundation of Kant's Critical Philosophy.Charles M. Sherover - 1991 - Review of Metaphysics 44 (3):658-660.
    It is not often that one picks up a newly published book and feels that one has read what should become a new classic. Velkley's volume is a courageous piece of imaginatively responsible scholarship that goes far beyond the realm of the ordinary. Effectively taking much pedestrian writing in stride, it points out new horizons of Kant interpretation which are systematically, as well as historically, sound and long overdue.
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    Human Experience of Time: The Development of its Philosophic Meaning.Charles M. Sherover (ed.) - 1975 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    First published in 1975 and still without equal, The Human Experience of Time provides a thorough review of the concept of time in the Western philosophic tradition. Encompassing a wide range of writings, from the Book of Genesis and the classical thinkers to the work of such twentieth-century philosophers as Collingwood and McKeon, all with introductory essays by the editor, this classic anthology offers a synoptic view of the changing philosophic notions of time.
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  46.  40
    Some dimensions of "heritage".Charles M. Sherover - 1991 - Research in Phenomenology 21 (1):36-47.
  47.  77
    Two concepts of nomlc accessibility.Charles M. Hermes - 2004 - Southwest Philosophy Review 20 (2):87-94.
    Almost everyone agrees, under some interpretation, that a world is nomologically accessible if and only if it obeys the laws of the base world. This surface agreement, however, has led many to attach little importance to different interpretations, thereby conflating two distinct concepts of nomological accessibility. According to the Shared Law Account (hereafter SL), a target world is nomologically accessible from the base world if, and only if, all and only the laws of the base world are laws at the (...)
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  48.  68
    Phenomenal organization and perceptual mode.Charles M. Myers - 1959 - Philosophy 34 (October):331-337.
    In recent years sense–datum theories have received much criticism, but there is one type of error frequently involved in the sense–datum concept which is in need of further consideration. This error consists in a category confusion of such a nature that what is properly regarded as perceptual mode is treated as though it were the attribute of a thing. The mode or manner of perception is mistakenly transferred to the sense–datum with results which a little careful reflection shows to be (...)
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  49.  50
    William Thomas Jones: 1910- 1998.Charles M. Young - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (4):699-699.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:William Thomas Jones 1910–1998Charles M. YoungWilliam Thomas Jones, a friend and supporter of this journal since its inception, died on September 30, 1998, in Claremont, California, at the age of eighty-eight. Born in Natchez, Mississippi, Will was educated at Swarthmore, Oxford (as a Rhodes scholar), and Princeton. After a legendary teaching career spanning nearly fifty years, thirty-four at Pomona College and another fifteen at the California Institute of Technology, (...)
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  50.  50
    The Five Senses in Willem II van Haecht's Cabinet of Cornelis van Der Geest.Charles M. Peterson - 2010 - Intellectual History Review 20 (1):103-121.
    Willem II van Haecht?s panel of the Cabinet of Cornelis van der Geest (1628), introduces the viewer to the theme of the Five Senses by including five prominently displayed paintings, each corresponding to one of the senses, in the foreground. The paper offers a new reading of the panel, suggesting that this image may be read as an allegory of the Five Senses, proposing this theme as a key to the rhetorical performance the collector, van der Geest, is shown undertaking, (...)
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